Summer24: Junior Challenge Mat

Morning All, 
We give our children opportunities across school life to encourage independence and responsibility in their learning and daily life. One of these ways is the use of challenge mats for the junior children (years 3, 4, 5 and 6). The challenge mats are presented to the children and they are expected to work through the tasks as independently as possible. They are given time in school to do the work, however some of the children like to continue them at home. The mats are available on the class Teams page. We like to share them with parents so that you can see what we’re up to! Attached to this message should be our current challenge mat and an information sheet about the mats. 
For the younger children, reception to year two, they have challenges in the classroom areas to access, feel free to ask staff for more information about this. Of course, if any reception, year one or two children would like a go at the junior challenge mat activities they would be more than welcome! 
Miss Mills 

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