We are proud to be a school in Wales and being Cymraeg (Welsh) is an important part of identity.
We teach Cymraeg in a variety of ways ensuring it is a natural part of our school day.
Incidental Welsh
This is when we use our Cymraeg out of taught lessons and activities, it is using Cymraeg in the school day for example asking to go to the toilet or greeting our friends.
Welsh lessons
Our Cymraeg lessons are led by the Athrawon Bro Team from Powys Education Authority. They support us regularly with our teaching of Cymraeg.
Cymraeg Campus
We are also part of Cymraeg Campus.
Cymraeg Campus is a Language Charter that is used to promote the use of the Welsh language throughout the school, across the Curriculum and in all area of school life. In school we have established a ‘Criw Cymraeg’ who are a pupil voice setup to encourage and promote the Welsh language. The members include 2 children from each class.
The Criw Cymraeg have been very successful in achieving both the Bronze and are working hard to reach the Silver Award.

Resources to support Welsh at home

Includes interactive games, resources, reading books and videos.
Tric a chlic – Teaching resources
Supporting Parents and Families | Learn Welsh