A range of frequently asked questions and their answers.

We’d love to have you! Please use the following link to apply for a place in Llanfechain C in W Primary School. This link will take you to the Powys applications page.

Applying for a School Place – Powys County Council

There is parking area adjacent to the school, with a linking gate though onto our premises which we would encourage you to use. Please do not park on the zig-zag lines outside school as these are designed to give children space in which to see moving vehicles and to be seen.

We are passionate here in Llanfechain about offering a high-level of pastoral care to all our learners. Pastoral care in the school context is a term applied to the practice of looking after the personal and social wellbeing of children under the care of a teacher. It can encompass a wide variety of issues including health, social and moral education, behaviour management and emotional support. In our case, every child is placed in the care of a particular teacher, but all members of staff regard the wellbeing of all pupils as their responsibility. We feel that the most appropriate form of moral education for all children is by example. We also discuss various moral points, as they arise, and at a level appropriate to the age of the children. This is in line with our aim to enable children to be thoughtful and considerate of the needs of others and to have both respect for authority and an understanding of the importance of rules

Every day we make assessments about what your child can do. We need to do this in order to plan effectively for what to teach next. We also use a variety of standard assessment tests and tasks throughout the year. At the beginning and end of the Reception Year a baseline assessment is made based on observations carried out during a child’s first few terms in school.

Twice in the academic year children in year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will complete personalised assessments via Hwb. These are nationwide assessments that are used to monitor the progress of learners and inform next steps. For more information click on the following link – Personalised assessments: information for parents and carers – Hwb (gov.wales)

Parents are requested to ensure that telephone contact numbers held at school are current, so that in the event of an emergency, they may be contacted as soon as is possible. In the unlikely event of a serious accident, first aid will be administered and the pupil (if required) will be conveyed to a hospital.

If first aid is administered school a form will be completed and sent home with your child as well as a parent/guardian being informed.

We will always contact parents/guardian if we have any concerns.

We take the well-being and security of your child and our staff very seriously. The door is locked once all children are in school at 09:00 and as the children return to school from playtimes. The gates around school are also locked. If you need to gain access to school during the school day you will need to phone the school and a member of staff will let you in. At home time, children are escorted to the door and will not be allowed to leave until the adult collecting them can be seen, unless other arrangements have been previously agreed with school. Regular risk assessments are made for trips the children go on, activities within school and of the school grounds

At Llanfechain School our warm, family-like atmosphere and close-knit team of teachers and support staff, ensure that all children are known and valued as individuals, thus easing the transition between classes and across key stages.

Year 3 is a transition year where children are taught in both class 1 and 2. This gives them focused teacher time which enhances and refines their skills as well as the development of independence expected of junior aged children.

When transferring to Secondary Education, pupils are prepared by visiting their chosen school (the majority of our pupils transfer to Llanfyllin High School) for its Open Evening and by a number of transition days across the year and especially in the Summer Term at the school. Throughout the academic year children attend numerous events at Ysgol Llanfyllin which also aids transition and gives opportunities for relationships to be formed.

Also, members of staff from the receiving school visit these pupils at our school to discuss the transition with their current teacher. For children with additional learning needs, further transition arrangements can be made.

We work closely with our cluster of schools, the Llanfyllin cluster, to ensure smooth and successful transition for our learners.

Yes. At these meetings you are invited to view work and discuss your child’s progress. However parents/carers are encouraged to discuss their child’s progress at any time and teachers will happily meet with you at any time during the school year. During the Spring Term you will receive a written report about your child’s progress in all curriculum areas. At all times we aim to keep parents well informed about what is happening in school. If at any time you have any concerns about your child’s progress please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at the beginning or end of the day.

Your child will have a reading book and we ask that children read regularly at home and some children may have some phonic and spelling tasks to support their reading development.

Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have challenge mats which they can access on their Microsoft Teams page. These are introduced in school and children are given time to work on them during school hours however some children may wish to continue the work at home.

Every day we make assessments about what your child can do. We need to do this in order to plan effectively for what to teach next. We also use a variety of standard assessment tests and tasks throughout the year. At the beginning and end of the Reception Year a baseline assessment is made based on observations carried out during a child’s first few terms in school.

Twice in the academic year children in year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will complete personalised assessments via Hwb. These are nationwide assessments that are used to monitor the progress of learners and inform next steps. For more information click on the following link – Personalised assessments: information for parents and carers – Hwb (gov.wales)

If your child is absent from school for any reason, we ask you to telephone, write or email explaining the situation on the first day of absence. If we are not notified of a reason for absence then we will contact you for an explanation. Any absences which are unexplained will be classed as unauthorised and published in accordance with government regulations. Penalty Notices also apply. Attendance is regularly monitored by the Education Welfare Officer.

Yes we do. We aim to ensure that the culture and ethos of the school creates an environment which treats all individuals with dignity and respect and which values them all equally.

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