This value reminds us of the importance of caring for others in our school, in our community, in our country and in our world.

This value reminds us of the importance of respect for ourselves, others, the world around us and for the past.

This value reminds us of the importance of honesty and truth in our lives as a way to ensure open communication and allowing everyone to be themselves.

This value reminds us of the importance of gratitude and thankfulness, we are very lucky to have a lot to be thankful for and it’s important to make that known.

This value reminds us of the importance of our friends and all that makes a good friend.

This value reminds us of the importance of being generous to others and the world around us. We can be generous with our time, skills and energy.

This value reminds us of the importance of forgiveness and forgiving. Mistakes are a part of life and it’s important to remember they do not define us.

This value reminds us of the importance of keeping going even when it’s hard and the power of ‘yet’.