Upcoming Dates and St. David’s Day

Happy Monday All!

A reminder of some of the events, days and activities coming in the next few weeks. Also, with St. David’s Day being on Friday, children can come to school in Welsh themed colours or in a Welsh themed outfit if they would like. 

28th February – Board Game Café in the Village Hall, 3:30-5:30pm. All welcome!

1st March – St. David’s Day – Dydd Gwyl Dewi. Children can dress in Welsh colours or in a Welsh themed outfit. 

4th March – School Eisteddfod. 1:30pm in the Village Hall. All welcome!

      All Eisteddfod entries need to be in by breaktime on Monday 4th March. 

5th March – Funky Hair Fun Day in aid of Little Princess Trust.

7th March – World Book Day – Children can dress as a literary character.

15th March – Comic Relief – Non-school uniform day – Dressing funny to raise money.

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